Answer :


The answer is 1/14 seconds.


To find the time taken by the stone to cross the window, we need to calculate the time it takes for the stone to fall from a height of 90 cm above the top of the window to the ground.


- Height of the stone above the top of the window = 90 cm

- Height of the window = 160 cm

The total height from which the stone falls is the sum of these two heights:

Total height = 90cm + 160cm = 250cm

Now, we will use the formula for the time t taken for an object to fall a distance h under gravity:

h = 1/2g t^2


- h is the total height fallen

- g is the acceleration due to

First, convert the height into meters

250cm = 2.5m

The time taken by the stone to cross the window is 1/14seconds.

So, the answer is 1/14 seconds.