Answer :


one solution


a1/a2 is not equals to b1/b2


To determine how many solutions the system of equations \( 2x + 3y = 6 \) and \( 3x + 4y = -12 \) has, we can analyze the equations together.

First, let's express \( y \) from the first equation:

\[ 2x + 3y = 6 \]

\[ 3y = 6 - 2x \]

\[ y = \frac{6 - 2x}{3} \]

\[ y = 2 - \frac{2x}{3} \]

Now substitute \( y \) in the second equation:

\[ 3x + 4\left(2 - \frac{2x}{3}\right) = -12 \]

Expand and simplify:

\[ 3x + 8 - \frac{8x}{3} = -12 \]

To eliminate the fraction, multiply through by 3:

\[ 9x + 24 - 8x = -36 \]

\[ x + 24 = -36 \]

\[ x = -60 \]

Now substitute \( x = -60 \) back into the expression for \( y \):

\[ y = 2 - \frac{2(-60)}{3} \]

\[ y = 2 + 40 \]

\[ y = 42 \]

Thus, the solution to the system is \( x = -60 \) and \( y = 42 \).

To confirm there is exactly one solution, note that both equations are linear and have different slopes (\( -\frac{2}{3} \) for the first and \( -\frac{3}{4} \) for the second), indicating they intersect at exactly one point.

Therefore, the system of equations \( 2x + 3y = 6 \) and \( 3x + 4y = -12 \) has 1


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