Answer :


**Nick:** Hi Mom, I'm home!

**Mom:** Hi Nick! How was school today?

**Nick:** It was pretty good. We had a surprise test in math, but I think I did okay.

**Mom:** That's great to hear. Did anything interesting happen?

**Nick:** Yeah, actually. We started a new project in English. We have to make a word chain using verbs and then create sentences from them.

**Mom:** That sounds like a fun project. Do you need any help with it?

**Nick:** I might. I have a list of verbs we need to use. I thought it would be cool to find some pictures to go with each sentence too.

**Mom:** That's a great idea. We can look through some old magazines and print some pictures from the computer. Do you have the verbs with you?

**Nick:** Yup, here they are: enjoy, weep, tap, knit, tear, put, drink, push, hop, eat, yawn, road, exercise, place, and take.

**Mom:** Nice variety. Let's start by making sentences for each verb and then we can find pictures to match. How about that?

**Nick:** Sounds good to me. I already thought of one for 'weep' – "The boy is weeping because he lost his toy."

**Mom:** That's a good start. How about "She drinks a glass of water every morning" for 'drink'?

**Nick:** Perfect! I also have "We eat dinner together every night" for 'eat.'

**Mom:** Great. We’re on a roll. Let’s keep going. This project is going to turn out really well.

**Nick:** Thanks for helping me, Mom. This is actually kind of fun!

**Mom:** You're welcome, Nick. It's always nice to work on projects together. Let's finish this up so you can relax for the evening.

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