as Tina or Tarun you feel perturbed looking at the plight of children with special needs . you decide to start an educational institute by the name of ' soar high ' for such children . draft a suitable classified advertisement for publication in the newspaper​

Answer :


**Classified Advertisement**

**Soar High: An Educational Institute for Children with Special Needs**

Are you looking for a nurturing and inclusive educational environment for your child with special needs? At **Soar High**, we are dedicated to providing individualized education and support to help every child reach their full potential.

**Admissions Open for the Academic Year 2024-2025**

**Our Offerings:**

- Personalized learning plans

- Special education professionals

- State-of-the-art facilities

- Therapeutic support (speech, occupational, and physical therapy)

- Inclusive and engaging extracurricular activities

- Safe and supportive environment

**Why Choose Soar High?**

- Expert and caring staff

- Tailored programs to meet individual needs

- Focus on holistic development

- Community and parent engagement

**Contact Us:**

Visit us at: 123, Inclusive Avenue, Pune, Maharashtra

Call: +91-9876543210

Email: [email protected]


Together, let's empower children with special needs to soar high!


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