you are made the leader of the volunteer for the school annual sports meet write a notice inviting names of students from different classes who are willing to work as volunteers​

Answer :


Hi....we are going have annual sports meet this monday. So, we need some volunteers to help and make this event succeccful. Students who are will to work as volunteers on annual sports meet can come and enroll your names to me. I hope their will be a good number..

please follow me



**Notice: Volunteer for School Annual Sports Meet**

Dear Students,

We invite you to be a part of our volunteer team for the upcoming School Annual Sports Meet. As a volunteer, you can assist with event setup, crowd management, and supporting our athletes. This is a great opportunity to gain valuable experience, build your skills, and have fun with your peers.

Requirements: Available on the event day, willing to commit 2+ hours.

Benefits: Event management experience, enhanced communication and problem-solving skills, and a rewarding experience.

To apply, send your name, class, and contact details to [Your Email] by [Deadline].

Don't miss this chance to contribute to our school's biggest celebration!

[Your Name]

Volunteer Team Leader

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