Answer :


In the novel "Swami and Friends" by R.K. Narayan, Rajam's seriousness towards the cricket club is evident through several key behaviors and actions:

1. **Organizational Skills:** Rajam demonstrates strong organizational skills by forming and leading the cricket club. He takes initiative in planning matches, practices, and other club activities.

2. **Commitment to Excellence:** Rajam shows a commitment to excellence in cricket. He insists on regular practice sessions and sets high standards for himself and the team members.

3. **Emphasis on Discipline:** Rajam emphasizes discipline within the club. He expects punctuality, proper attire, and dedication from all members during practices and matches.

4. **Competitiveness:** Rajam is competitive and strives for victories in matches. He takes losses seriously and motivates the team to perform better in future games.

5. **Leadership Role:** Rajam assumes a leadership role within the cricket club. He makes decisions regarding strategies, team compositions, and overall club management.

6. **Personal Sacrifice:** Rajam sacrifices personal time and possibly other interests to prioritize the cricket club. This dedication shows his seriousness towards the sport and the club's success.

Overall, Rajam's actions and attitudes reflect his deep involvement and seriousness towards the cricket club, making it clear that cricket is not just a casual hobby for him but a significant passion and commitment.

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