Answer :


Operators are symbols that we use when performing operations on one or more operands. The primary types of operators in C are arithmetic, logical, relational, conditional, bitwise, and assignment.


An **operator** in programming and mathematics is a symbol or function that indicates an operation to be performed on one or more operands. Operands are the values or variables upon which the operator acts. Operators are essential components of expressions, enabling various calculations and operations to be performed.

Here are the different types of operators commonly found in programming:

1. **Arithmetic Operators**:

- **Addition (+)**: Adds two operands (e.g., `a + b`).

- **Subtraction (-)**: Subtracts the second operand from the first (e.g., `a - b`).

- **Multiplication (*)**: Multiplies two operands (e.g., `a * b`).

- **Division (/)**: Divides the first operand by the second (e.g., `a / b`).

- **Modulus (%)**: Returns the remainder of a division (e.g., `a % b`).

- **Exponentiation (**)**: Raises the first operand to the power of the second (e.g., `a ** b`).

2. **Relational (Comparison) Operators**:

- **Equal to (==)**: Checks if two operands are equal (e.g., `a == b`).

- **Not equal to (!=)**: Checks if two operands are not equal (e.g., `a != b`).

- **Greater than (>)**: Checks if the first operand is greater than the second (e.g., `a > b`).

- **Less than (<)**: Checks if the first operand is less than the second (e.g., `a < b`).

- **Greater than or equal to (>=)**: Checks if the first operand is greater than or equal to the second (e.g., `a >= b`).

- **Less than or equal to (<=)**: Checks if the first operand is less than or equal to the second (e.g., `a <= b`).

3. **Logical Operators**:

- **AND (&& or and)**: Returns true if both operands are true (e.g., `a && b`).

- **OR (|| or or)**: Returns true if at least one operand is true (e.g., `a || b`).

- **NOT (! or not)**: Returns true if the operand is false (e.g., `!a`).

4. **Bitwise Operators**:

- **AND (&)**: Performs a bitwise AND operation (e.g., `a & b`).

- **OR (|)**: Performs a bitwise OR operation (e.g., `a | b`).

- **XOR (^)**: Performs a bitwise XOR operation (e.g., `a ^ b`).

- **NOT (~)**: Performs a bitwise NOT operation (e.g., `~a`).

- **Left shift (<<)**: Shifts bits to the left (e.g., `a << b`).

- **Right shift (>>)**: Shifts bits to the right (e.g., `a >> b`).

5. **Assignment Operators**:

- **Assignment (=)**: Assigns a value to a variable (e.g., `a = b`).

- **Add and assign (+=)**: Adds and assigns a value (e.g., `a += b`).

- **Subtract and assign (-=)**: Subtracts and assigns a value (e.g., `a -= b`).

- **Multiply and assign (*=)**: Multiplies and assigns a value (e.g., `a *= b`).

- **Divide and assign (/=)**: Divides and assigns a value (e.g., `a /= b`).

- **Modulus and assign (%=)**: Takes modulus and assigns a value (e.g., `a %= b`).

6. **Unary Operators**:

- **Unary plus (+)**: Indicates a positive value (usually redundant, e.g., `+a`).

- **Unary minus (-)**: Negates a value (e.g., `-a`).

- **Increment (++)**: Increases an integer value by one (e.g., `a++` or `++a`).

- **Decrement (--)**: Decreases an integer value by one (e.g., `a--` or `--a`).

7. **Conditional (Ternary) Operator**:

- **Conditional (? :)**: Evaluates a condition and returns one of two values (e.g., `condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false`).

8. **Comma Operator ( , )**:

- Separates expressions, evaluating each from left to right (e.g., `a = (b = 3, b + 2)`).

9. **Special Operators**:

- **Typeof**: Returns the type of a variable (e.g., `typeof variable`).

- **Instanceof**: Checks if an object is an instance of a class (e.g., `object instanceof Class`).

- **Delete**: Deletes an object property (e.g., `delete`).

- **Void**: Evaluates an expression without returning a value (e.g., `void(expression)`).

These operators enable the performance of various operations in programming, making it possible to write complex expressions and logic.

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