Q2. Joseph adopted a puppy. The puppy gained 6 pounds the first month, 8 pounds the second month, 10 pounds the third month, and 7 pounds the fourth month. What was the puppy's 68 3 average weight gain per month?​

Answer :



Step-by-step explanation:

we have to plush the. puppy gained 2 pond in each month


To find the average weight gain per month for Joseph's puppy, you need to calculate the total weight gain over the four months and then divide by the number of months.

Total weight gain = 6 pounds + 8 pounds + 10 pounds + 7 pounds = 31 pounds

Average weight gain per month = Total weight gain / Number of months

Average weight gain per month = 31 pounds / 4 months = 7.75 pounds

Therefore, the puppy's average weight gain per month was 7.75 pounds.

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