4-Take a survey of 20 family, find number of literate persons in each family.
(i) Find fraction for the literacy in each family.
(ii) Find average literacy rate.
(iii) Find literacy percent.

Answer :


Step-by-step explanation: Let’s break down the steps to find the literacy information for the 20 families:

1.Number of Literate Persons in Each Family:

You’ll need to collect data on the number of literate individuals in each family. If you have this information, proceed to the next steps.

If not, consider conducting a survey or gathering data from reliable sources.

2.Fraction of Literacy in Each Family:

For each family, calculate the fraction of literate persons by dividing the number of literate individuals by the total number of family members.

The fraction can be expressed as:Fraction of Literacy=Total Family MembersNumber of Literate Persons​

To find the average literacy rate across all families, sum up the fractions of literacy for each family and divide by the total number of families.

The average literacy rate can be calculated as:Average Literacy Rate=Total Number of Families∑Fractions of Literacy​

4.Literacy Percent:

Multiply the average literacy rate by 100 to express it as a percentage:Literacy Percent=Average Literacy Rate×100%


To conduct the survey and calculate the required statistics based on the data provided (assuming 20 families), let's proceed step by step.

Step 1: Survey Results

Let's assume we have data for the number of literate persons in each of the 20 families. For example, let's say the data is as follows:

Family 1:


 literate persons

Family 1:3 literate persons

Family 2:


 literate persons

Family 2:2 literate persons

Family 3:


 literate persons

Family 3:4 literate persons

... (up to 20 families)

... (up to 20 families)

Step 2: Calculation

(i) Fraction of Literacy in Each Family

To find the fraction of literacy in each family, we calculate:

Fraction of literacy


Number of literate persons

Total number of persons in the family

Fraction of literacy=

Total number of persons in the family

Number of literate persons

For example, if a family has 4 literate persons out of 5 total persons:

Fraction of literacy






Fraction of literacy=




Calculate this fraction for each family based on your survey data.

(ii) Average Literacy Rate

To find the average literacy rate across all families:

Average literacy rate


Total number of literate persons

Total number of persons in all families



Average literacy rate=

Total number of persons in all families

Total number of literate persons


First, sum up the total number of literate persons across all families. Then, sum up the total number of persons (assuming 5 persons per family on average, total = 100 persons for 20 families). Calculate the average literacy rate using these totals.

(iii) Literacy Percentage

To find the literacy percentage:

Literacy percentage



Total number of literate persons

Total number of persons




Literacy percentage=(

Total number of persons

Total number of literate persons


Convert this percentage into a readable format.

Example Calculation (Hypothetical Data)

Let's assume the following hypothetical data for illustration:

Family 1:


 literate persons

Family 1:3 literate persons

Family 2:


 literate persons

Family 2:2 literate persons

Family 3:


 literate persons

Family 3:4 literate persons

... up to 20 families

... up to 20 families

For simplicity, let's say each family has 5 members on average, totaling 100 persons (20 families × 5 persons).

Total literate persons = 3 + 2 + 4 + ... (sum for all 20 families)

Average literacy rate:

Average literacy rate



Total literate persons





Average literacy rate=(


Total literate persons


Literacy percentage:

Literacy percentage



Total literate persons





Literacy percentage=(


Total literate persons



Once you have gathered the data and performed the calculations based on your actual survey results, you'll have the fraction of literacy in each family, the average literacy rate across all families, and the overall literacy percentage. These metrics will provide insights into the literacy levels within the surveyed families.

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