10. What is a tissue?
11. Where can we find apical meristem?
12. Give the types of meristematic tissues.
13. Why does the growth of plants occur only in certain specific regions?
14. Name the tissues which are present in the plants at the nodes.
15. What is the utility of tissues in multi-cellular organisms?
16. The tissues derived directly from the meristem of embryo are called as..

Answer :


10. The group of smiliar celles which perform specific function is known as tissue.

11. Apical meristem can we found at the tip of the stem.

12. Types of meristematic is apical , intercalary and lateral meristem.

13. The growth of plants occur at only cetain regions because the dividing which is meristematic tissue is preseat at that point.

14. Intercalary meristem is present at the nodes of the plant.


10. Cluster of cells which are specialising in one function,are grouped together at a definite cell in the body and these cells constitute a tissue

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