Write a story about two fishes who are new to the river and how they can protect themselves from other powerful creatures in the river. Write it in 250 words.​

Answer :


In the crystal-clear waters of a tropical lagoon, two young fish, Marlin the guppy and Luna the angelfish, were excitedly exploring their new home. Marlin, with his shimmering blue scales, loved to dart around the coral formations, while Luna, graceful with her flowing fins, admired the colorful sea anemones.

Their adventure took them deeper into the reef, where they encountered a stealthy octopus lurking among the rocks. Luna sensed the danger and quickly signaled to Marlin. They darted into a maze of branching corals, escaping the octopus's probing tentacles.

"We need to be smart about staying safe here," Luna said, her eyes scanning their surroundings.

They sought advice from Old Finley, a wise old parrotfish who had seen many dangers in his time. "Stay close to the coral structures," Old Finley advised. "They provide shelter and hiding places from predators like that octopus."

Marlin and Luna practiced weaving in and out of the coral, learning to disappear into the shadows when danger approached. They also learned to recognize the warning signs: the flicker of a hunting barracuda or the shadow of a lurking shark.

Old Finley also taught them about teamwork. "Stick together and watch out for each other," he said. "Fish are safer in schools because they can confuse and deter predators."

One day, they encountered a hungry triggerfish. Remembering Old Finley's advice, Marlin and Luna swam close together, their synchronized movements confusing the predator. The triggerfish gave up and swam away in search of easier prey.

With each passing day, Marlin and Luna grew more confident in their abilities to navigate the challenges of their underwater home. They continued to explore the vibrant reef, knowing that with their skills and their bond, they could face any danger together.