Answer :




To calculate (61/30)³ - (5/6)³ - (6/5)³, we can simplify each term first:

(61/30)³ = (61³) / (30³) = 226981 / 27000

(5/6)³ = (5³) / (6³) = 125 / 216

(6/5)³ = (6³) / (5³) = 216 / 125

Now, substitute these values back into the original expression:

(226981 / 27000) - (125 / 216) - (216 / 125)

To simplify further, we need a common denominator for the fractions:

(226981 * 216) / (27000 * 216) - (125 * 125) / (216 * 125) - (216 * 27000) / (125 * 27000)

= 48954796 / 583200 - 15625 / 27000 - 5832000 / 3375000

= (48954796 - 1012500 - 5832000) / 583200

= 42102296 / 583200

= 72

Therefore, (61/30)³ - (5/6)³ - (6/5)³ equals 72.

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