You are Anita. You have an appointment with your cousin Raj to see a football match
at 3.00 pm at National Stadium. But you have to take your sister to her dance classes,
so you won't be able to meet your cousin for the match. Before leaving you decide to
leave a message for your cousin informing him about the same and apologising for
not being able to make it. Draft a message in not more than 50 words.

Answer :



Dear Raj,

I regret to inform you that I will be unable to attend our scheduled football match at the National Stadium at 3:00 pm. I have an obligation to accompany my sister to her dance class. I apologize for any inconvenience caused and hope we can reschedule our meeting soon. Enjoy the match!

Best regards,



Hey Raj,

I won't be able to make it to the football match at 3.00 pm at National Stadium as I have to take my sister to her dance class. Really sorry about this. Let's plan another time to catch up. Enjoy the game!

i really hopes this helps....!


Hi, i hope u are doing well. I have take my sister to my dance class, hence i am sorry, i am not gonna make it. My best wishes to you. I wish u win your match.

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