Answer :


Step-by-step explanation:

Let's solve this system of equations to find the value of \(M\):

1. We have the equation for \(x\):

  \[ x = 2m + 1 \]

2. We also have the equation for \(y\):

  \[ y = m + 7 \]

3. The sum of \(x\) and \(y\) is equal to 11:

  \[ x + y = 11 \]

Now let's substitute the expressions for \(x\) and \(y\) into the third equation:

\[ (2m + 1) + (m + 7) = 11 \]

Combine like terms:

\[ 3m + 8 = 11 \]

Subtract 8 from both sides:

\[ 3m = 3 \]

Divide both sides by 3:

\[ m = 1 \]

Therefore, the value of \(M\) is 1. ⁴.

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