Saw the movie" The man who knows infinity" and write 10 things that you like the most in the movie and write two things that you learn from the movie.​

Answer :


**10 Things I Like Most About the Movie "The Man Who Knew Infinity":**

1. **Historical Accuracy:** The movie portrays the life of mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan with a commendable level of historical accuracy.

2. **Acting Performances:** Dev Patel's portrayal of Ramanujan and Jeremy Irons as G.H. Hardy are compelling and bring depth to their characters.

3. **Visuals:** The depiction of early 20th-century Cambridge and the Indian landscapes is visually stunning.

4. **Mathematical Insights:** The film effectively communicates complex mathematical concepts in an accessible manner.

5. **Emotional Depth:** It explores the personal and emotional struggles of Ramanujan, including his challenges as an outsider at Cambridge.

6. **Friendship and Mentorship:** The evolving relationship between Ramanujan and Hardy highlights themes of mentorship, friendship, and intellectual collaboration.

7. **Cultural Context:** The movie provides insights into the cultural and societal norms of both India and England during that era.

8. **Soundtrack:** The music enhances the emotional impact of the film, complementing its narrative.

9. **Inspiration:** It inspires viewers to appreciate the beauty and universality of mathematics, and to pursue knowledge despite obstacles.

10. **Legacy:** The film pays tribute to Ramanujan's enduring legacy in mathematics and beyond.

**Two Things I Learned from the Movie:**

1. **Perseverance:** Ramanujan's dedication and perseverance in pursuing his mathematical theories despite numerous challenges taught me the importance of resilience in achieving one's goals.

2. **Collaboration:** The film emphasizes the significance of collaboration and mutual respect in academic and intellectual pursuits, exemplified in the relationship between Ramanujan and Hardy.

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Step-by-step explanation:

### Ten Things I Liked Most About "The Man Who Knew Infinity"

1. **Portrayal of Srinivasa Ramanujan**: Dev Patel’s performance as the mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan was captivating and emotionally compelling.

2. **Historical Accuracy**: The movie did a good job of staying true to the historical context of Ramanujan's life and the early 20th-century setting.

3. **Mentorship Relationship**: The dynamic between Ramanujan and G.H. Hardy (played by Jeremy Irons) was well-developed and highlighted the importance of mentorship in academia.

4. **Cultural Contrast**: The film effectively showcased the cultural and social challenges Ramanujan faced as an Indian in early 1900s Britain.

5. **Emphasis on Intuition**: The movie illustrated Ramanujan’s intuitive approach to mathematics, which contrasted sharply with the formalistic approach of his peers.

6. **Emotional Depth**: The personal struggles and emotional depth of Ramanujan’s journey, including his separation from his wife, were poignantly depicted.

7. **Beautiful Cinematography**: The film’s cinematography was visually striking, capturing the essence of both Madras (now Chennai) and Cambridge.

8. **Inspirational Message**: The story is an inspiring testament to the power of perseverance and belief in one’s own abilities, despite significant obstacles.

9. **Supporting Characters**: Strong performances by the supporting cast, including Toby Jones as John Littlewood and Stephen Fry as Sir Francis Spring, added depth to the narrative.

10. **Mathematical Genius**: The depiction of Ramanujan’s mathematical discoveries and the impact they had on the field of mathematics was fascinating and educational.

### Two Things I Learned from the Movie

1. **The Power of Intuition in Mathematics**: The movie taught me that intuition can play a crucial role in mathematical discovery. Ramanujan often derived complex formulas and theorems intuitively, which was initially met with skepticism but later proved to be groundbreaking.

2. **Challenges of Cultural Integration**: I learned about the significant cultural and racial challenges faced by Ramanujan. Despite his extraordinary talent, he had to overcome considerable prejudice and adapt to a completely different cultural environment in Cambridge, which added to the difficulties of his already challenging academic journey.

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