D. Match the items in Column A with those in Column B
Column A
1. The Parliament of India
2. The Supreme Law Making institution
3. A combination of two or more parties coming
together to form the Government
4. Process by which people send their representative
to Parliament
5. Segment Which elects a representative
6. House of the people
Column B
(a) Coalition
(b) Constituency
(c) Bansad
(d) Lok Sabha
(e) Election
(f) Parliament

D Match the items in Column A with those in Column BColumn A1 The Parliament of India2 The Supreme Law Making institution3 A combination of two or more parties class=

Answer :


1.The parliament of India - sansad

2.The supreme law making institution- parliament

3.A combination of two or more parties coming together to form the government- coalition

4. Process by which people send their representative to parliament - election

6.House of the people - lok sabha

5.Segment which elects a representative - constituency

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