The Atlantic Ocean is about 40 times larger than the world's largest island Greenland the area of Atlantic Ocean is 7,67,61,000 sq km . Estimate the area of Greenland​

Answer :


To estimate the area of Greenland, we can use the given information that the Atlantic Ocean is about 40 times larger than Greenland. We have the area of the Atlantic Ocean as 7,67,61,000 square kilometers.

Let's denote the area of Greenland as \( A \).


\[ \text{Area of Atlantic Ocean} = 40 \times A \]

\[ 7,67,61,000 \, \text{sq km} = 40 \times A \]

To find \( A \), we solve for \( A \):

\[ A = \frac{7,67,61,000 \, \text{sq km}}{40} \]

Now, performing the division:

\[ A = \frac{76,761,000}{40} \]

\[ A = 1,919,025 \, \text{sq km} \]

Therefore, the estimated area of Greenland is approximately 1,919,025 square kilometers.

Step-by-step explanation:

Mark as Brainliest


Step-by-step explanation:

his is a list of islands in the Atlantic Ocean, the largest of which is Greenland.Answer: 19,19,025 = 19,00,000 (approx.)

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