Answer :


**Title Slide:**

- Title: Control and Coordination in Living Organisms

- Subtitle: Understanding the Mechanisms of Regulation and Integration

**Slide 1: Introduction**

- Overview of Control and Coordination

- Importance in Living Organisms

- Key Concepts: Nervous System and Endocrine System

**Slide 2: Nervous System**

- Definition and Components

- Structure: Neurons and Neuroglia

- Functions: Sensory, Integrative, Motor

**Slide 3: Types of Neurons**

- Sensory Neurons: Role in Detecting Stimuli

- Motor Neurons: Transmitting Signals to Muscles and Glands

- Interneurons: Integrating Signals in Central Nervous System

**Slide 4: Nerve Impulse Transmission**

- Mechanism of Action Potential

- Synaptic Transmission: Neurotransmitters and Synapse

**Slide 5: Reflex Arc**

- Definition and Components

- Example: Knee-Jerk Reflex

**Slide 6: Endocrine System**

- Definition and Glands Involved

- Hormones: Types and Functions

- Regulation of Body Functions

**Slide 7: Comparison of Nervous and Endocrine Systems**

- Mode of Transmission

- Speed of Response

- Duration of Effect

**Slide 8: Coordination in Plants**

- Signaling Mechanisms: Phytohormones

- Responses to External Stimuli

**Slide 9: Examples of Coordination in Animals**

- Migration in Birds

- Hibernation in Mammals

- Circadian Rhythms

**Slide 10: Control and Coordination Disorders**

- Examples: Parkinson’s Disease, Diabetes Mellitus

- Impact on Health and Functioning

**Slide 11: Conclusion**

- Summary of Key Points

- Importance of Control and Coordination in Maintaining Homeostasis

**Slide 12: References**

- List of Sources and Credits

**Design Tips:**

- Use clear headings and bullet points for readability.

- Include relevant images, diagrams, and charts to illustrate concepts.

- Maintain a consistent color scheme and font style throughout.

- Keep text concise and focus on key ideas.

This presentation structure will effectively cover the topic of control and coordination in living organisms, providing a comprehensive understanding for assignment sheets or educational purposes.

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