read the passage given below. people who are over-conscious of their body sometimes decide to starve to bring down their body weight. Even children avoid food thinking that they might become over weight. But you must know that starvation does not help reduce weight at all rather as soon as you stop starving you will start gaining weight. while starving the body slows down its metabolism to conserve energy. without sufficient glucose from food your brains functioning will decrease. you will experience mental fatigue inability to concentrate irritability headaches and confusion. as your muscles won't get enough fuel to work on you'll faint or might even feel unstable and week. when you deprive your body of sustenance it uses your fat and muscles for getting nutrients. if you are working every muscle group your body will consume all the water and the excess fat in your body. if you are not exercising every major muscle group your body will use a combination of fat and muscles to keep going. you will feel extremely tired and slow. starving can have serious consequences for your body. identify the words in the passage which means the same as. to prevent the wasteful overuse of something____________________​

Answer :


The word in the passage that means "to prevent the wasteful overuse of something" is:

- **Conserve**

In the context of the passage, it states: "while starving the body slows down its metabolism to conserve energy." Here, "conserve" means to save or prevent the wasteful overuse of energy in this case.


The word in the passage that means the same as "to prevent the wasteful overuse of something" is **"conserve"**.

In the context provided, it says: "while starving the body slows down its metabolism to conserve energy." Here, "conserve" means to save or avoid wasting energy unnecessarily.

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