Truck 'A' is going on a road with velocity 10 m/s. The second truck 'B' is coming from its back
and an another truck 'C' is coming from as front. The velocity of truck B and C is 15 m/s for
each. When the distance AB and AC is 500 metre each. The driver of truck B thinks
to cross the
truck A before truck 'C'. In this position how much minimum acceleration required for truck B.
£00m in the 7th second and 24m in the 9th second. How much

Answer :


First, let's find the time it takes for truck C to reach the location of truck A, since truck B wants to cross truck A before truck C arrives.

The relative velocity of truck C with respect to truck A is:

v(CA) = v(C) - v(A) = 15 m/s - 10 m/s = 5 m/s

The time it takes for truck C to reach the location of truck A is:

t(CA) = d(CA) / v(CA) = 500 m / 5 m/s = 100 s

Now, let's find the time it takes for truck B to cross truck A. Since they are moving in opposite directions, their relative velocity is:

v(BA) = v(B) + v(A) = 15 m/s + 10 m/s = 25 m/s

The time it takes for truck B to cross truck A is:

t(BA) = d(BA) / v(BA) = 500 m / 25 m/s = 20 s

Since truck B wants to cross truck A before truck C arrives, it must have crossed truck A within 100 seconds. Therefore, let's find the minimum acceleration required for truck B to cross truck A in less than 100 seconds.

The distance truck B travels while crossing truck A is:

d(B) = v(B) * t(BA) + 0.5 * a * t(BA)^2

We can solve for the minimum acceleration required by using the fact that truck B must cross truck A before truck C arrives, i.e., t(BA) + t(CA) <= 100 s.

Substituting the values we have found so far, we get:

500 m = 15 m/s * 20 s + 0.5 * a * (20 s)^2

240 m = 0.5 * a * (20 s)^2

a = 240 m / (20 s)^2 = 0.6 m/s^2

However, this acceleration is not sufficient for truck B to cross truck A in the 7th second and have a displacement of 24 meters. Let's find the acceleration required for truck B to reach a displacement of 24 meters by the 9th second.

Since truck B travels at a constant velocity of 15 m/s for the first 20 seconds, it covers a distance of:

d(1) = v(B) * t(1) = 15 m/s * 20 s = 300 m

The remaining distance for truck B to cover in the next 2 seconds (7th to 9th second) is:

d(2) = 500 m - 300 m = 200 m

In the 2 seconds, truck B must cover the remaining distance with an acceleration of:

a = (v(f)^2 - v(i)^2) / (2 * d(2))

where v(i) is the initial velocity of truck B, v(f) is its final velocity, and d(2) is the remaining distance.

We have:

v(i) = 15 m/s

d(2) = 200 m

and we want to find v(f) and a.

We can write the equation of motion:

d(2) = 0.5 * a * t(2)^2 + v(i) * t(2)

where t(2) is the time it takes for truck B to cover the remaining distance.

Since d(2) = 200 m, t(2) = 2 s, and v(i) = 15 m/s, we can solve for v(f):

200 m = 0.5 * a * (2 s)^2 + 15 m/s * 2 s

v(f) = sqrt(200 m - 4 a) + 15 m/s

Substituting the expression for v(f) into the equation for a, we get:

a = (v(f)^2 - v(i)^2) / (2 * d(2))

a = [(sqrt(200 m - 4 a) + 15 m/s)^2 - (15 m/s)^2] / (2 * 200 m)

Solving for a, we get:

a = 0.687 m/s^2

Therefore, the minimum acceleration required for truck B to cross truck A before truck C arrives is 0.6 m/s^2, and the acceleration required for truck B to reach a displacement of 24 meters by the 9th second is approximately 0.687 m/s^2.

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