Answer :




The French society before the French Revolution was divided into three estates, each with different privileges and roles:

1. **First Estate**: This estate comprised the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church. They held significant power and wealth, owning vast lands and collecting tithes from peasants. The First Estate did not pay taxes to the state.

2. **Second Estate**: The Second Estate consisted of the nobility, including aristocrats, wealthy landowners, and members of the royal family. They held political and social privileges, controlled much of the land, and held high positions in the government, military, and church. Like the First Estate, they were exempt from most taxes.

3. **Third Estate**: The Third Estate was the largest estate and included commoners, ranging from wealthy merchants to peasants and urban workers. They bore the burden of heavy taxes, lacked political power, and faced social and economic inequality. This estate was further divided into prosperous bourgeoisie (middle class), urban workers, and rural peasants.

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