Write down the years of following historical events 1.King Louis XVI was executed at the Guillotine 2.Abolition of slavery in French colonies 3.Bloody Sunday in St.Petersburg 4.Beginning of Collectivisation 5.Russia and Japan war 6.February Revolution 7.Germany invaded Balkans 8.Attack of Japan on China​

Answer :


1. King Louis XVI was executed at the Guillotine: **1793**

2. Abolition of slavery in French colonies: **1848**

3. Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg: **1905**

4. Beginning of Collectivisation: **1928** in the Soviet Union

5. Russia and Japan war: **1904-1905**

6. February Revolution: **1917** in Russia

7. Germany invaded Balkans: **1941** during World War II

8. Attack of Japan on China: **1937** This is generally considered the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War, which merged into World War II in 1941.

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