You are Romil/ Nirja, the head boy/
girl of the literary club of Greeat public
School. Your School is planning to publish the annual magazine on children's day. Draft a notice, inviting the write ups, drawing from the students.

Answer :


Hey there! Here's a draft for the notice you can use to invite write-ups and drawings from the students for the annual magazine on Children's Day:


**Attention all students of Great Public School!**

**Calling all budding writers and artists!**

**Annual Magazine on Children's Day - Call for Submissions!**

Are you passionate about writing or drawing? Do you have a story to share or a masterpiece to showcase? Now is your chance to shine in the upcoming Annual Magazine celebrating Children's Day!

**Submission Guidelines:**

- **Write-ups:** Share your creative stories, poems, articles, or any literary work.

- **Drawings:** Submit your colorful and imaginative drawings, sketches, or artwork.

**Submission Deadline:** [Insert Deadline Date]

**Submit your entries to the Literary Club Head Boy/Girl by [Submission Method - Email/In person].**

Selected entries will be featured in the Annual Magazine and will be a part of the school's literary legacy. Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your talent and creativity to the school community!

For any queries, feel free to contact the Literary Club Head Boy/Girl.

Let's make this Children's Day memorable with your creative contributions!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Head Boy/Girl, Literary Club


Feel free to customize it further as per your school's requirements. Good luck with the magazine preparations!

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