Answer :

To represent \( \sqrt{10} \) on the number line, we need to approximate its value first.

Calculating \( \sqrt{10} \):
\[ \sqrt{10} \approx 3.16227766017 \]

Now, let's place \( \sqrt{10} \) on the number line approximately:

1. **Approximate location**: \( \sqrt{10} \approx 3.16 \).

2. **Placement on the number line**:
- Place \( 3 \) on the number line.
- Estimate a bit beyond \( 3.1 \) but before \( 3.2 \).

So, \( \sqrt{10} \) is roughly located on the number line between \( 3.1 \) and \( 3.2 \).

If you need a more precise placement, you can refer to its decimal approximation \( \sqrt{10} \approx 3.162 \) and mark it accordingly.

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