commerce project ..max 8 to10 pages from a daily newspaper which your family buys or from television or radio or magazine select any one adv
ertisement of a popular product. Q1.what first catches your eyes in that advertisement? Q2.list star formation the advertisement provides about the product? Q3. list the information the advertisement provides about the product? Q4. what is it an advertisement for? Q5. what information do you think has been left out of this advertisement? please help me to do this project its quiet urgent class 10 icse commercial studies ​

Answer :

Sure, let's outline how you can approach this project based on an advertisement from a popular product:

### 1. Choose the Advertisement
Select an advertisement from a daily newspaper, television, radio, or magazine that promotes a popular product your family buys. Ensure it is something you can access easily and analyze thoroughly.

### 2. Analyze the Advertisement

**Q1: What first catches your eyes in that advertisement?**
- Describe the visual elements that initially attract attention, such as colors, images, or fonts.

**Q2: List the star formation the advertisement provides about the product.**
- Identify key selling points highlighted in the advertisement, such as features, benefits, or unique aspects of the product.

**Q3: List the information the advertisement provides about the product.**
- Summarize details provided about the product’s specifications, uses, benefits, pricing, availability, etc.

**Q4: What is it an advertisement for?**
- Clearly state the name of the product and the brand it belongs to.

**Q5: What information do you think has been left out of this advertisement?**
- Discuss any additional information that could be beneficial for consumers to know but isn’t mentioned in the advertisement.

### Project Structure (Suggested Outline)

1. **Introduction**
- Briefly introduce the advertisement you have chosen.

2. **Advertisement Analysis**
- Describe what caught your attention first and why.
- List the star formation (key selling points) provided in the advertisement.
- Detail the information provided about the product.

3. **Product Identification**
- Clearly state what the advertisement is for (product and brand).

4. **Missing Information**
- Discuss any information you believe is missing from the advertisement that could enhance consumer understanding or influence purchasing decisions.

5. **Conclusion**
- Summarize your findings and reflect on the effectiveness of the advertisement in promoting the product.

### Tips for Completion
- **Visual Analysis**: Pay attention to visual elements such as layout, colors, images, and logos.
- **Content Analysis**: Analyze the text for key messages, claims, and persuasive techniques used.
- **Critical Thinking**: Evaluate how effective the advertisement is in communicating its message and influencing consumer behavior.

By following this structured approach, you can create a comprehensive project that analyzes an advertisement effectively for your commercial studies class. Make sure to support your observations with specific examples from the advertisement itself.

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