Trojan malware is sometimes called 'Trojan horse'
malware. Its name comes from an Ancient Greek
story. Search the internet to find out what the original
Trojan horse was. Why is the name Trojan horse used
for this type of malware?

Trojan malware is sometimes called Trojan horsemalware Its name comes from an Ancient Greekstory Search the internet to find out what the originalTrojan horse w class=

Answer :


Certainly! The term “Trojan horse” has an intriguing origin rooted in ancient Greek mythology.

The Original Trojan Horse:

In Greek mythology, during the Trojan War, the Greeks devised a cunning strategy to infiltrate the city of Troy.

They constructed a huge wooden horse known as the Trojan Horse.

Inside this hollow horse, they secretly hid a select force of warriors, including the clever Odysseus himself.

The Greeks pretended to sail away, leaving the horse as a supposed victory trophy for the Trojans.

The unsuspecting Trojans pulled the horse into their city, believing it would bring them good fortune.

However, that night, the Greek warriors emerged from the horse, opened the gates, and allowed the rest of the Greek army to enter Troy.

This ingenious deception led to the fall of Troy and the end of the war.

Metaphorical Usage:

The concept of the Trojan Horse has transcended mythology and become a metaphor.

Today, when we refer to a “Trojan horse,” we mean any trick or stratagem that deceives a target into inviting a foe into a seemingly secure place.

In the context of computing, a “Trojan horse” is a type of malware that disguises itself as a legitimate program but actually carries harmful intent.

Just as the wooden horse breached Troy’s defenses, these malicious programs infiltrate computer systems, often causing damage or stealing sensitive information.

So, the name “Trojan horse” for this type of malware draws inspiration from the ancient tale of deception and infiltration.

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