Rani is 4 years older than Anil. When Rani was of the age of Anil is now, Anil's age was half of Rani's age today. How old is Rani today?
tell me the answer i will mark you as brainlist​

Answer :

[tex]\huge♡{\underline{\bold{{\red{AnSwEr }}}}}♡[/tex]

Let's solve the problem step by step. Let's assume Anil's age is "x" years.

According to the problem, Rani is 4 years older than Anil. So, Rani's age would be "x + 4" years.

Now, it is given that when Rani was the age Anil is now (x years), Anil's age was half of Rani's age today (x + 4 years).

So, we can write the equation:

x = (x + 4)/2

To solve this equation, we can cross multiply:

2x = x + 4

Subtracting x from both sides:

2x - x = 4


x = 4

Therefore, Anil's age is 4 years.

To find Rani's age, we substitute the value of x into the equation:

Rani's age = x + 4 = 4 + 4 = 8 years

So, Rani is 8 years old today.


I hope this will help you...✨


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