Match column 'A' with column 'B'.
1. Louis XVI became king of France in
(i) 1792-93
2. The Bastille was stormed in
(ii) 1774
3. A constitution was framed to limit the powers of the king in
(iii) 1789
4. France became a republic in
(iv) 1804
5. Napoleon became emperor of France in
(v) 1791

Answer :


let's match the columns based on the historical events provided:


1. Louis XVI became king of France in

2. The Bastille was stormed in

3. A constitution was framed to limit the powers of the king in

4. France became a republic in

5. Napoleon became emperor of France in


(i) 1774

(ii) 1789

(iii) 1791

(iv) 1792-93

(v) 1804

Now, let's match them:

1. Louis XVI became king of France in - (ii) 1774

- Louis XVI became king in 1774 after the death of his grandfather, Louis XV.

2. The Bastille was stormed in - (ii) 1789

- The storming of the Bastille occurred on July 14, 1789, marking a key event at the beginning of the French Revolution.

3. A constitution was framed to limit the powers of the king in - (iii) 1791

- The Constitution of 1791 was adopted to limit the powers of the king and establish a constitutional monarchy.

4. France became a republic in - (iv) 1792-93

- The French Republic was proclaimed on September 21, 1792, following the French Revolution.

5. Napoleon became emperor of France in - (v) 1804

- Napoleon Bonaparte became Emperor of the French in 1804 after consolidating power through various military and political actions.

So, the matched pairs are:


1. Louis XVI became king of France in - (ii) 1774

2. The Bastille was stormed in - (ii) 1789

3. A constitution was framed to limit the powers of the king in - (iii) 1791

4. France became a republic in - (iv) 1792-93

5. Napoleon became emperor of France in - (v) 1804


Certainly! Let's match the events related to French history:

1. **Louis XVI became king of France in**: The correct match is **(v) 1774**.

  - Louis XVI ascended the throne in 1774.

2. **The Bastille was stormed in**: The correct match is **(iii) 1789**.

  - The storming of the Bastille occurred during the French Revolution in 1789.

3. **A constitution was framed to limit the powers of the king in**: The correct match is **(i) 1792-93**.

  - The French Constitution of 1791 limited the powers of the monarchy.

4. **France became a republic in**: The correct match is **(iv) 1804**.

  - France officially became a republic after the French Revolution, and Napoleon Bonaparte later declared himself Emperor in 1804.

5. **Napoleon became emperor of France in**: The correct match is **(ii) 1791**.

  - Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power and became Emperor in 1804.


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