26. What does subsistence crisis mean?

27. Why French government increased the taxes?

28. Who formed the First, Second and Third Estates of French society?

29. Which proposal of Third Estate was rejected by Estate General?

30. Who was Mirabeau and Abbe Sieyes?

31. What does Chauteaux mean?

32. What was "Marseillaise”?

33. Between which three continents triangular slave trade was held?

34. When did Napoleon Bonaparte became Emperor of France?

35. Name the important political clubs formed by women in France.36. Who composed the National Anthem of France?

37. When and Where Louis XVI called an assembly of Estate Generals?

38. Who was called "The moderniser of Europe”?

39. What was Directory?

40. Who reintroduced monarchy and slavery in France?

41. Louis XVI belonged to which dynasty?

42. In which year women got right to vote in France?

43. When the Jacobins stormed the palace of Tuileries?

44. Which of the Estates were exempted from taxes?

45. The National Assembly of France was led by _________.

46. Who wrote an Influential pamphlet called “what is the third Estate”?

47. Which two Indian individuals responded to the ideas of revolutionary France?

48. Why women were disappointed by the Constitution of 1791 in France?

49. Name three Carribbean colony which supplied commodities like tobacco, indigo, sugar and coffee.

50. Who wrote a Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizens?

51. Which rights were established as natural and inalienable rights bythe constitution of 1791 in France?

52. On 20th June, 1789 the representatives of Third Estate assembled in ______.

53. The poorer members of Third Estate who wore pantaloons without knee breeches were known as


54. Which government introduced laws to improve the lives of women?

55. Tax from peasants to church was called _________.

56. Tax from Third Estate to state was called_________.

57. Name the place affected by the Great Fear.

58. Which new assembly was formed by Jacobins?

59. when Louis XVI was executed Publically, and where?

60. When was slavery finally abolished in France?​

Answer :


Here are the answers to your questions:

26. **Subsistence crisis** refers to an extreme situation where the basic means of survival such as food are in short supply, often leading to famine and starvation.

27. The French government increased taxes to cover its enormous debts incurred due to costly wars and extravagant spending by the monarchy.

28. The **First Estate** was formed by the clergy, the **Second Estate** by the nobility, and the **Third Estate** included everyone else, primarily the commoners and the bourgeoisie.

29. The proposal of the Third Estate to vote by head, giving each delegate one vote, was rejected by the Estates General.

30. **Mirabeau** was a nobleman who supported the Third Estate and played a key role in the early stages of the French Revolution. **Abbe Sieyes** was a clergyman and political writer, known for his pamphlet "What is the Third Estate?"

31. **Chateaux** means castles or large country houses in France.

32. The **"Marseillaise"** is the national anthem of France, originally a revolutionary war song.

33. The triangular slave trade was held between **Europe, Africa, and the Americas**.

34. **Napoleon Bonaparte** became Emperor of France in **1804**.

35. Important political clubs formed by women in France included the **Society of Revolutionary Republican Women**.

36. The National Anthem of France, "La Marseillaise," was composed by **Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle**.

37. **Louis XVI** called an assembly of Estate Generals in **May 1789** at **Versailles**.

38. **Napoleon Bonaparte** was called "The moderniser of Europe".

39. The **Directory** was a five-member committee that governed France from 1795 until 1799, after the fall of the Jacobins.

40. **Napoleon Bonaparte** reintroduced monarchy and slavery in France.

41. **Louis XVI** belonged to the **Bourbon dynasty**.

42. Women got the right to vote in France in **1944**.

43. The Jacobins stormed the palace of Tuileries on **10th August 1792**.

44. The **First and Second Estates** were exempted from taxes.

45. The National Assembly of France was led by the **Third Estate**.

46. **Abbe Sieyes** wrote the influential pamphlet called **"What is the Third Estate?"**

47. **Tipu Sultan and Raja Rammohan Roy** responded to the ideas of revolutionary France.

48. Women were disappointed by the Constitution of 1791 in France because it **excluded them from the right to vote and hold public office**.

49. Three Caribbean colonies that supplied commodities like tobacco, indigo, sugar, and coffee were **Saint-Domingue (Haiti), Guadeloupe, and Martinique**.

50. **Olympe de Gouges** wrote a **Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizens**.

51. The Constitution of 1791 in France established **liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression** as natural and inalienable rights.

52. On 20th June 1789, the representatives of the Third Estate assembled in the **Tennis Court (Salle du Jeu de Paume)**.

53. The poorer members of the Third Estate who wore pantaloons without knee breeches were known as **sans-culottes**.

54. The **National Convention** government introduced laws to improve the lives of women.

55. Tax from peasants to the church was called **tithe**.

56. Tax from the Third Estate to the state was called **taille**.

57. The place affected by the Great Fear included various regions, notably **rural areas of France**.

58. The new assembly formed by the Jacobins was called the **National Convention**.

59. **Louis XVI** was publicly executed on **21 January 1793** at the **Place de la Révolution** in Paris.

60. Slavery was finally abolished in France in **1848**.


Certainly! Let's address each of your questions:

26. **Subsistence Crisis**:

  - A **subsistence crisis** refers to a situation where individuals or communities are unable to obtain basic necessities (such as food, water, and shelter) due to factors like inflation, drought, or war. Severe subsistence crises can lead to famines¹.

27. **Reasons for French Tax Increases**:

  - The French government increased taxes for several reasons:

    - **High Budget Deficit**: Increased spending on social welfare programs and infrastructure development led to a high budget deficit, necessitating more revenue.

    - **Reducing Public Debt**: France struggled with high public debt, prompting the need for additional funds⁶.

28. **Three Estates of Pre-Revolutionary France**:

  - French society was divided into three estates:

    1. **First Estate**: The clergy (religious leaders).

    2. **Second Estate**: The nobility (aristocracy).

    3. **Third Estate**: Commoners (about 90% of the population) who paid most of the taxes⁹.

29. **Rejected Proposal by Third Estate**:

  - The Third Estate demanded that voting should be conducted by the assembly as a whole, with each member having one vote. However, the king rejected this proposal, leading members of the Third Estate to walk out of the assembly in protest¹⁷.

30. **Mirabeau and Abbé Sieyès**:

  - **Mirabeau**: An influential figure during the French Revolution, known for his oratory skills and advocacy for a constitutional monarchy.

  - **Abbé Sieyès**: A chief political theorist of the Revolution, he authored the pamphlet "What Is the Third Estate?" which became a manifesto for transforming the Estates-General into the National Assembly. He also played a role in organizing Napoleon's rise to power¹⁸.


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