D-5 cast of is a 40 10 pattle, is 230. Akhi want and cost of 5 pastries to by buy 6 pat ties and • How much will hespon 6 pastries for his family. in all. t ​

Answer :


It seems like there are some typos and unclear parts in your message. Let me try to interpret and answer based on what I understand:

1. **D-5 cast of is a 40 10 pattle, is 230**: This part is unclear. It seems like there might be a mention of cost or quantity, but the exact meaning is not clear.

2. **Akhi want and cost of 5 pastries to by buy 6 pat ties and**: It appears you're asking about the cost of buying 5 pastries and 6 patties.

3. **How much will hespon 6 pastries for his family. in all. t**: This seems to ask how much it would cost to buy 6 pastries in total.

Let's clarify and answer each part step by step:

### 1. Cost of 5 Pastries and 6 Patties

If we assume you want to know the total cost of buying 5 pastries and 6 patties, let's assign some hypothetical prices:

- Cost of 1 pastry = P dollars

- Cost of 1 patty = Q dollars


- Cost of 5 pastries = 5 * P dollars

- Cost of 6 patties = 6 * Q dollars

The total cost would be the sum of these two:

Total cost = 5P + 6Q dollars

### 2. Cost of 6 Pastries

If you want to know how much it would cost to buy 6 pastries:

- Cost of 6 pastries = 6 * P dollars

### Example Calculation

Let's assign some example values to P and Q for clarity:

- Let's say P = $2 (cost of one pastry)

- And Q = $3 (cost of one patty)

#### Calculation:

1. **Cost of 5 pastries and 6 patties:**

- 5 * $2 (for pastries) + 6 * $3 (for patties)

- = $10 + $18

- = $28

So, the total cost for 5 pastries and 6 patties would be $28.

2. **Cost of 6 pastries:**

- 6 * $2 (for pastries)

- = $12

So, the cost of 6 pastries would be $12.


To summarize:

- The total cost for 5 pastries and 6 patties is $28 (using our example prices).

- The cost of 6 pastries alone is $12 (using our example price for pastries).

If you have specific prices or quantities in mind, you can substitute them into the calculations above to get the exact costs.

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