
23Mg, 25Mg 27Mg Three of the Mg's
isotopes, 23Mg hundred times that found in
nature Ing. Amount 78.70%.
The relative atomic mass of Mg is 23.649g.
Determine the percentage of 25Mg and
27Mg present in nature.

Answer :


23000 mg


plz mark me brainliest




To determine the percentage of isotopes 25Mg and 27Mg present in nature, we will use the information provided about the isotopic abundance and the relative atomic mass of magnesium (Mg).


- Isotopic abundance of 23Mg: 78.70%

- Relative atomic mass (Ar) of Mg: 23.649 g/mol

Let's denote:

- Abundance of 23Mg as \( x \)

- Abundance of 25Mg as \( y \)

- Abundance of 27Mg as \( z \)

The sum of all isotopic abundances should equal 100%, so we have the equation:

\[ x + y + z = 100 \]

We know from the problem statement that the abundance of 23Mg is 78.70%, hence:

\[ x = 78.70 \]

Now, we can express the relative atomic mass (Ar) of magnesium as a weighted average of the isotopes:

\[ \text{Ar} = x \cdot \text{Ar}(23\text{Mg}) + y \cdot \text{Ar}(25\text{Mg}) + z \cdot \text{Ar}(27\text{Mg}) \]

Substituting the values:

\[ 23.649 = 78.70 \times 23 + y \times 25 + z \times 27 \]

Now, solve for \( y \) and \( z \):

1. Calculate \( y + z \):

\[ y + z = 100 - x = 100 - 78.70 = 21.30 \]

2. Substitute \( y + z \) into the equation:

\[ 23.649 = 78.70 \times 23