Answer :


Sure, here are some possible 2 marks, 4 marks, and 6 marks questions and answers related to Chapter 4 on international organizations:

2 Marks Questions:

1. Define an international organization.

Answer: An international organization is a group or association of countries or entities formed to promote cooperation, address common issues, and achieve shared goals on a global scale.

2. Name one example of a political international organization.

Answer: The United Nations (UN) is a prominent example of a political international organization.

4 Marks Questions:

1. Explain the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the international community.

Answer: The World Health Organization (WHO) is responsible for coordinating global health efforts, setting health standards, providing technical support, and responding to health emergencies on a global scale.

2. Discuss the functions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Answer: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) aims to promote international monetary cooperation, stabilize exchange rates, provide financial assistance to member countries in need, and offer policy advice on economic issues.

6 Marks Questions:

1. Compare and contrast the United Nations (UN) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) in terms of their objectives and functions.

Answer: The United Nations (UN) focuses on promoting peace, security, human rights, and development worldwide, while the World Trade Organization (WTO) aims to facilitate international trade, resolve trade disputes, and ensure fair trade practices among member countries.

2. Analyze the impact of international organizations on global governance and cooperation.

Answer: International organizations play a crucial role in promoting multilateralism, fostering cooperation among nations, addressing transnational challenges, and upholding international norms and values. They help create a more stable and interconnected world by facilitating dialogue, coordination, and collective action on various global issues.

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