please give that question of this answer please please
1. The activities that result in the production of goods and services and add value to the nat

are called?

2. Give a few examples of fixed capital.

3.Define human capital.

4. What are barchans?

5. The Lakshadweep islands covers a small area of Answer the following questions in 70-80 words each.

6. Describe any five features of northern plains of India.

7. Name the three major divisions of Himalayas from the north to south.

8. Describe the main features of the constitution of 1791. Mention any five points.

9. What role did women play during the revolutionary years?

10. "Democracy is all about political competition and power play. There is no scope for morality" Justify the statement by giving arguments against democracy.


1. 'Is it good to elect a President for life or is it better to hold regular elections after every fiv Express your view with reasons to support them.

2. Why is constitution necessary for a country?

3. The central location of India at the head of the Indian Ocean is considered of great significance. Explain.

4. Differentiate between fixed and working capital.

5. Describe any two non farming activities.

6.Map skill:- In an outline map of India show the followings:-

a) Physical division of India(put different colors)

b) Major Peaks of Himalayas


c)Major Himalayan Ranges​

Answer :

Let's address each question:

1. **The activities that result in the production of goods and services and add value to the nation's economy are called?**

These activities are called **economic activities**. They include production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services.

2. **Give a few examples of fixed capital.**

Fixed capital refers to assets that are used in production and are not consumed in the process. Examples include:

- Machinery

- Equipment

- Buildings

- Land

- Infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.)

3. **Define human capital.**

Human capital refers to the skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by an individual or population, viewed in terms of their value or cost to an organization or country. It encompasses education, training, health, and other factors that contribute to an individual's productivity and economic potential.

4. **What are barchans?**

Barchans are crescent-shaped sand dunes formed by the action of wind in deserts or sandy beaches. They have a gentle slope on the windward side and a steep slope on the leeward side, and they migrate across the landscape over time due to wind movement.

5. **The Lakshadweep islands cover a small area of India. Answer the following questions in 70-80 words each.**

Lakshadweep islands are a group of small islands in the Arabian Sea. They are known for their coral atolls, lagoons, and marine life. The islands have a total area of about 32 square kilometers and consist of 36 islands, out of which only 10 are inhabited. They are known for their pristine beaches, clear waters, and rich biodiversity, making them a popular tourist destination. The economy of Lakshadweep is primarily based on fishing and tourism.

6. **Describe any five features of the northern plains of India.**

The northern plains of India are characterized by the following features:

- They are formed by the alluvial deposits of the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra river systems.

- They are highly fertile due to the deposition of rich soil over millennia.

- The region is densely populated and supports intensive agriculture.

- The northern plains have a flat terrain with occasional low hills and rivers meandering through.

- The climate is generally monsoonal, with hot summers and cool winters, suitable for a variety of crops.

7. **Name the three major divisions of the Himalayas from north to south.**

The three major divisions of the Himalayas from north to south are:

- Great Himalayas (Himadri)

- Middle Himalayas (Himachal)

- Outer Himalayas (Shivalik)

8. **Describe the main features of the Constitution of 1791. Mention any five points.**

The Constitution of 1791, also known as the Constitution of the French Revolution, introduced several key features:

- It established a constitutional monarchy, limiting the powers of the king.

- It created a unicameral legislature known as the Legislative Assembly.

- It granted voting rights to wealthy male citizens.

- It guaranteed individual liberties such as freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

- It separated powers into executive, legislative, and judicial branches, though the king retained significant authority.

9. **What role did women play during the revolutionary years?**

During the revolutionary years of the late 18th century in France, women played active roles in various aspects:

- They participated in political clubs and gatherings, advocating for political rights and social reforms.

- Women were involved in street demonstrations and protests, often demanding bread and calling for social justice.

- Some women writers and intellectuals contributed to revolutionary literature and pamphlets.

- Women's involvement in political discussions and movements contributed to the evolving ideas of liberty, equality, and citizenship.

10. **"Democracy is all about political competition and power play. There is no scope for morality." Justify the statement by giving arguments against democracy.**

Democracy, while focused on political competition and power dynamics, is not devoid of morality. Arguments against this statement include:

- **Protection of Rights:** Democracies emphasize human rights, equality, and justice, which are inherently moral principles.

- **Accountability:** Democratic systems hold leaders accountable to the electorate, promoting transparency and ethical conduct.

- **Public Participation:** Democratic processes encourage civic engagement and collective decision-making, fostering a sense of moral responsibility among citizens.

- **Rule of Law:** Democracies uphold the rule of law, ensuring that legal frameworks protect individual freedoms and prevent arbitrary exercises of power.

- **Ethical Governance:** Moral considerations guide policies on social welfare, environmental protection, and international relations in democratic societies.

Thus, democracy encompasses both political competition and moral imperatives, striving to balance power with ethical governance for the common good.

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