Answer :


it means loss of hearing as we get older.

it happens Gradually so many of them do not get to know it


Presbycusis is a type of age-related hearing loss that gradually occurs as people get older. It typically affects both ears equally and is caused by changes in the inner ear or the nerves that connect the inner ear to the brain. These changes can include:

1. Degeneration of Hair Cells: Hair cells in the inner ear, responsible for detecting sound waves and converting them into electrical signals, can degenerate over time.

2. Changes in Blood Supply: Reduced blood flow to the ear can impact its function.

3. Changes in Nerve Pathways: Nerve pathways from the ear to the brain may not function as effectively.

Presbycusis often begins around age 50 and progresses slowly. Common symptoms include difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds, speech becoming muffled or unclear, and needing to turn up the volume on the television or radio.

This condition can affect various aspects of life:

- Communication: It becomes challenging to hear and understand conversations, especially in noisy environments.

- Social Interactions: Difficulty hearing can lead to social withdrawal or avoidance of gatherings where hearing might be strained.

- Safety: Not being able to hear warning sounds (like alarms or approaching vehicles) can pose safety risks.

- Emotional Well-being: Struggling to hear can lead to frustration, stress, and feelings of isolation.

Managing presbycusis typically involves hearing aids, which amplify sounds and improve hearing clarity. Regular hearing checks are crucial for early detection and intervention.


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