Mrs Mehta had 47,35,150 in her bank account. she withdrew 18,87,250 to buy a flat and 3,45,500 to buy a car. How much money is left in her account

Answer :

Step-by-step explanation:

4735150-1887250-345500= 2502400



Step-by-step explanation:

To find out how much money Mrs. Mehta has left in her bank account after withdrawing for the flat and the car, we start with the initial amount she had:

Initial amount in bank account = Rs. 4,735,150

She withdrew:

1. Rs. 1,887,250 to buy a flat

2. Rs. 345,500 to buy a car

Total amount withdrawn = Rs. 1,887,250 + Rs. 345,500

Total amount withdrawn = Rs. 2,232,750

Now, subtract the total amount withdrawn from the initial amount to find out how much money is left:

Amount left in bank account = Initial amount - Total amount withdrawn

Amount left in bank account = Rs. 4,735,150 - Rs. 2,232,750

Amount left in bank account = Rs. 2,502,400

Therefore, Mrs. Mehta has Rs. 2,502,400 left in her bank account after withdrawing money to buy the flat and the car.

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