What I Know
Complete the sentences with the correct
possessive pronouns.
1. All the paintings in the gallery were painted by me. They are ________
2. I don't like my lunch. I like Neha's. I am eating _________
3. Did you leave your umbrella here? Is this _________?
4. This is not our classroom._______ is on the first floor.
5. After they came to our house, they invited us to _________

...plz help I will mark u as branilist

Answer :


Sure, here are the completed sentences with the correct possessive pronouns:

1. All the paintings in the gallery were painted by me. They are **mine**.

2. I don't like my lunch. I like Neha's. I am eating **hers**.

3. Did you leave your umbrella here? Is this **yours**?

4. This is not our classroom. **Ours** is on the first floor.

5. After they came to our house, they invited us to **theirs**.

Feel free to ask if you have any more questions or need further assistance!

1 . Mine
2. Hers
3. Yours
4. Ours
5. Theirs

I hope I help you

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