Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete
these sentences.

1.____________(This / These) are delicious apples. They are very
sweet and juicy.
2.__________(That/Those) is the house with a beautiful garden.
3._________(These / Those) are parrots, high up in the tree.
4.___________(These / Those) are my new jeans. I am wearing them
for the first time.
5.________(This/That) is my bag, over there at the back of the room

.....plz help I will mark u as branilist

Answer :


Here are the sentences completed with the correct demonstrative pronouns:

1. **These** are delicious apples. They are very sweet and juicy.

2. **That** is the house with a beautiful garden.

3. **Those** are parrots, high up in the tree.

4. **These** are my new jeans. I am wearing them for the first time.

5. **That** is my bag, over there at the back of the room.


1. these

2. that

3. those

4. these

5. that

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