There are 104 students in class X and 96 students in class IX in a school. In an examination the students are to be evenly seated in parallel rows such that no two adjacent rows are from the same class. (a) Find the maximum number of parallel rows of each class for the seating arrangement. (b) Number of students of each class in a row.​

Answer :


the maximum number of parallel rows of each class is 8 rows.

Step-by-step explanation:

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There are 104 students in class 10 and 96 students in class 9 in a school. In a house examination the students are to be evenly seated in parallel rows such that no 2 adjacent rows are of the same class. Find the maximum number of parallel rows of each class for the seating arrangement. Also find the number of students in class 9 and also class 10 in a row.



Grade 10

Highest Common Factor

Last updated date: 20th Jun 2024

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Hint: We will first find the HCF between 96 and 104 to get the maximum number of parallel rows of each class. Then to find the number of students in class 9 and class 10 in a row we will divide the total number of students in class 9 and class 10 by the calculated HCF.

Complete step-by-step answer:

Number of students in class 10 =104

Number of students in class 9 =96

We get the total number of students =96+104=200

So in the question it has been asked to find the maximum number of parallel rows of each class and thus we will find the HCF between 96 and 104.

HCF is the highest common factor.

So factors of 96 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48.

And factors of 104 are 1, 2, 4, 8, 13, 26, 52.

So the highest common factor between 96 and 104 is 8.

Hence the maximum number of parallel rows of each class is 8 rows.

Now we have to find the number of students in class 9 and class 10 in a row. For this we will divide the total number of students in class 9 and class 10 by 8.

Number of class 9 students in a row =968=12


Number of class 10 students in a row =1048=13


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