Answer :


Step-by-step explanation:

To convert the fraction \( \frac{4}{13} \) to its decimal expansion, we perform the division of 4 by 13.

Let's divide 4 by 13 using long division:

1. 4 divided by 13 is 0. Since 4 is less than 13, we put a 0 before the decimal point.

2. Append a decimal point and a zero to 4, making it 40. Now divide 40 by 13.

  - 13 goes into 40 three times (3 * 13 = 39), so the first digit after the decimal is 3.

  - Subtract 39 from 40 to get a remainder of 1.

3. Append another zero to the remainder, making it 10. Now divide 10 by 13.

  - 13 goes into 10 zero times, so the next digit is 0.

  - The remainder remains 10.

4. Append another zero to the remainder, making it 100. Now divide 100 by 13.

  - 13 goes into 100 seven times (7 * 13 = 91), so the next digit is 7.

  - Subtract 91 from 100 to get a remainder of 9.

5. Append another zero to the remainder, making it 90. Now divide 90 by 13.

  - 13 goes into 90 six times (6 * 13 = 78), so the next digit is 6.

  - Subtract 78 from 90 to get a remainder of 12.

6. Append another zero to the remainder, making it 120. Now divide 120 by 13.

  - 13 goes into 120 nine times (9 * 13 = 117), so the next digit is 9.

  - Subtract 117 from 120 to get a remainder of 3.

7. Append another zero to the remainder, making it 30. Now divide 30 by 13.

  - 13 goes into 30 two times (2 * 13 = 26), so the next digit is 2.

  - Subtract 26 from 30 to get a remainder of 4.

Since the remainder is back to 4, which was our initial number, the digits will start repeating from here.

So, the decimal expansion of \(\frac{4}{13}\) is:

\[ 0.\overline{307692} \]

This means that the decimal expansion of \(\frac{4}{13}\) is \( 0.307692307692\ldots \), where the sequence "307692" repeats indefinitely.



Step-by-step explanation:

4/13 = 0.30769

after round off, 0.3077

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