Answer :


sorry i don'tknow the answer

but please mark me as brainlist


Based on the image description, here are the periods of Indian history the artifacts and structures belong to:

- **Mughal Period**: The dome-like structure in the first photograph is characteristic of Islamic architecture from the Mughal era.

- **Indus Valley Civilization**: The brick wall with inscriptions in the second photograph suggests it's from the ancient Indus Valley Civilization.

- **Medieval South Indian Temple Architecture**: The detailed stone carving in the third photograph is likely from this period.

- **Gupta Period or Later**: The stepwell structure in the fourth photograph could be from the Gupta period or a later time when such structures were common.

- **Paleolithic Age**: The stone tools in the fifth photograph appear to be prehistoric, from the Paleolithic age.

- **Mughal Era**: The red sandstone architecture in the sixth photograph with arches and domes indicates Mughal influence.

- **Ancient Indian Buddhist Art**: The stone faces in the seventh photograph are reminiscent of sculptures from this period, possibly dating back to Emperor Ashoka's time or slightly later.

Each artifact and structure represents a significant era in India's rich historical and cultural tapestry.

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