Aman has recently shifted base to a new city owing to his father's transfer.He has reluctantly left behind all his childhood friends in his old city and finds it very difficult to adjust in the new school.He often finds himself at the receiving end of his new classmates' ridicule and jokes.Suddenly he develops intense anxiety problems and absolutely refuses to go to school.Explain his behaviour with reference to an appropriate model of abnormal behaviour.​

Answer :


Aman's behavior can be understood through the **Biopsychosocial Model** of abnormal behavior, which considers biological, psychological, and social factors.

### 1. **Biological Factors:**

- **Genetics:** Aman might have a genetic predisposition to anxiety.

- **Neurochemistry:** Stress from moving and bullying could affect his brain chemistry.

### 2. **Psychological Factors:**

- **Stress and Trauma:** Moving and leaving behind friends is a significant life change. This stress contributes to his anxiety.

- **Self-esteem:** Ridicule from new classmates affects his self-esteem, and he may lack coping skills.

### 3. **Social Factors:**

- **Environmental Change:** The new school environment and loss of his old social network create social stress.

- **Bullying:** Negative interactions with classmates worsen his anxiety and reluctance to go to school.

Understanding Aman's situation through this model highlights the need for support in all three areas to help him adjust and manage his anxiety.



Aman's behavior can be explained by the Cognitive-Behavioral Model of abnormal behavior. His recent relocation triggered negative thoughts about his new school environment, leading to anxiety. He perceives classmates negatively, which intensifies his anxiety and leads to school refusal as a way to avoid the perceived threat. This cycle of negative thoughts, anxiety, and avoidance reinforces his behavior.

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