Answer :



James Mill (1773-1836) was a Scottish historian, economist, political theorist, and philosopher. He is best known for his influential works on the history and governance of India, as well as his contributions to economic and political thought.

Key Points about James Mill:

Early Life and Education:

Born on April 6, 1773, in Northwater Bridge, Scotland.

Studied at the University of Edinburgh, where he focused on theology, philosophy, and history.

Career and Major Works:

"The History of British India" (1817): This is Mill's most famous work, a comprehensive three-volume history of British rule in India. Despite its Eurocentric perspective and critical view of Indian culture, it became a standard reference for British officials in India.

"Elements of Political Economy" (1821): An important text in classical economics, Mill's work helped popularize the economic theories of his contemporary, David Ricardo.

"Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind" (1829): In this work, Mill explored psychological theories and the workings of the human mind.

Philosophical and Political Contributions:

Utilitarianism: Mill was a leading advocate of utilitarianism, a philosophy that promotes actions that maximize happiness or pleasure for the greatest number of people. His son, John Stuart Mill, also became a prominent utilitarian philosopher.

Liberalism and Political Economy: Mill contributed significantly to liberal political theory and was a strong proponent of individual liberty, free markets, and limited government intervention.

Influence on Indian Policy:

Mill's "History of British India" played a crucial role in shaping British attitudes and policies toward India. Despite its critical tone, it provided a detailed account that was used to justify and reform British governance in the colony.

He worked for the East India Company, eventually becoming the head of the examiner's office, where he influenced administrative policy for India.


James Mill's works have had a lasting impact on history, economics, and political theory. His advocacy for utilitarianism and liberal principles influenced later thinkers and policymakers.

His critical approach to Indian history and society has been debated, with modern scholars often critiquing his Eurocentric bias and lack of appreciation for Indian culture and achievements.


James Mill was a significant figure in the 19th century, contributing to various fields such as history, economics, and political theory. His works, particularly on British India, have left a lasting legacy, influencing both contemporary and later thought on governance, economics, and philosophy.

