Answer :


To find the length of side YZ in triangle XYZ, we can use the Law of Sines. The Law of Sines states:

\[\frac{a}{\sin A} = \frac{b}{\sin B} = \frac{c}{\sin C}\]

Given that XY = 7 cm, angle X = 55 degrees, and angle Z = 80 degrees, we need to find the length of side YZ.

First, let's find angle Y:

Angle Y = 180 - angle X - angle Z

Angle Y = 180 - 55 - 80

Angle Y = 45 degrees

Now, we can use the Law of Sines to find the length of side YZ:

\[\frac{YZ}{\sin 55} = \frac{7}{\sin 45}\]

\[YZ = \frac{7 \times \sin 55}{\sin 45}\]

\[YZ \approx \frac{7 \times 0.8192}{0.7071}\]

\[YZ \approx \frac{5.735}{0.7071}\]

\[YZ \approx 8.11 \, \text{cm}\]

Therefore, the length of side YZ in triangle XYZ is approximately 8.11 cm.

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