Answer :


"Biotic resources are renewable" means that these resources are derived from living organisms or their products, and they can be replenished naturally or through human intervention within a relatively short period compared to human lifetimes. Here's an explanation:

1. **Definition of Biotic Resources**: Biotic resources include all living things and organic materials derived from them. This encompasses plants, animals, microorganisms, and their byproducts that serve human needs, such as food, medicine, timber, and fibers.

2. **Renewability**: Biotic resources are renewable because they have the ability to regenerate or reproduce themselves. For example:

- **Plants**: Crops and forests can be replanted and harvested cyclically.

- **Animals**: Livestock can reproduce, and fish populations can replenish through natural breeding.

- **Microorganisms**: Useful microorganisms can multiply and be cultured for various applications.

3. **Natural Processes**: The renewal of biotic resources often relies on natural processes such as photosynthesis, reproduction, and decomposition. These processes ensure that resources are continually regenerated without depleting the ecosystem's capacity to support them.

4. **Human Intervention**: While biotic resources can renew themselves naturally, sustainable management practices and conservation efforts by humans are crucial to ensure their continuous availability. This includes practices such as afforestation, sustainable agriculture, and fisheries management, which help maintain biodiversity and ecosystem health.

5. **Time Scale**: Biotic resources renew over relatively short time scales compared to geological processes or non-renewable resources like minerals and fossil fuels. This characteristic allows for their sustainable use and management to meet current and future human needs.

In summary, the renewability of biotic resources stems from their inherent ability to regenerate through natural processes and human stewardship. This characteristic underscores the importance of sustainable practices to ensure these resources continue to provide essential goods and services for present and future generations.

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