3. A letter reminiscent of childhood days to your friend who lives in a another country. BUT LIFE WITHOUT INTERNET.​

Answer :

Dear Ravi,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. It's been ages since we last met, but every now and then, my thoughts drift back to our carefree childhood days in the neighborhood.

Do you remember the times we used to ride our bicycles down the winding lanes, racing each other to the old banyan tree? Those summer afternoons, when the sun was high and hot, we'd sit in its shade, sharing stories and dreams. How we used to collect marbles and play games in the dust, our pockets always jingling with the little treasures.

I vividly recall our adventures at the local fair. The excitement in the air, the smell of cotton candy, and the thrill of the Ferris wheel. And who could forget the endless cricket matches in the open field behind our houses? We played until dusk, our shouts of joy echoing through the air, completely unaware of the time.

Life seemed so simple back then, didn't it? There were no distractions of the internet or the endless buzz of mobile phones. Our entertainment was the world around us – the people, the places, and our shared imaginations. We made our own fun, whether it was building forts out of old sheets and pillows or pretending to be explorers in our own backyards.

I often find myself yearning for those days of innocence and unbridled joy. Though we are miles apart now, and life has taken us in different directions, those memories remain a cherished part of me. It's amazing how the simplicity of our childhood days holds a profound place in our hearts, grounding us amidst the complexities of adult life.

I hope you are doing well in your new home. Write back when you get the chance. I'd love to hear how life's treating you and to reminisce more about the old times.

Warm regards,


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