Answer :



Life processes are the essential activities that all living organisms carry out to sustain life. These processes include:

* **Nutrition:** Obtaining food and using it to provide energy and materials for growth.  

   * **Autotrophic nutrition:** Organisms like plants synthesize their own food using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide through photosynthesis.

   * **Heterotrophic nutrition:** Organisms like animals obtain food by consuming other organisms.

* **Respiration:** Breaking down food to release energy for various life activities. This process occurs in all living organisms.

* **Transportation:** Movement of substances within the body of an organism.

   * **Circulatory system:** In complex organisms, the circulatory system transports oxygen, nutrients, and waste products throughout the body.

   * **Diffusion:** Movement of substances from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.

* **Excretion:** Removal of waste products from the body.

   * **Kidneys:** In mammals, the kidneys filter waste products from the blood and produce urine.

   * **Lungs:** Exhale carbon dioxide, a waste product of respiration.

* **Growth:** Increase in size and mass of an organism.

   * **Cell division:** The process by which cells divide and create new cells.

* **Reproduction:** The ability of organisms to produce offspring.

   * **Sexual reproduction:** Involves the fusion of male and female gametes.

   * **Asexual reproduction:**  Does not involve gametes, resulting in offspring genetically identical to the parent.

* **Movement:**  The ability of organisms to change position or move parts of their body.  

   * **Skeletal system:** Provides support and enables movement in vertebrates.

   * **Muscles:** Contract and relax to cause movement.

* **Response to stimuli:** Organisms react to changes in their environment.

   * **Nervous system:** Receives and transmits signals, enabling organisms to respond to stimuli.

   * **Hormonal system:**  Secretes hormones that regulate various bodily functions.

These life processes are interconnected and essential for the survival and well-being of all living organisms.


Explanation:Sure, here are some important questions related to life processes from the NCERT Class 10 Biology textbook:

1. **What are life processes?**

2. **Define nutrition. Explain autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition with examples.**

3. **Describe the process of photosynthesis in plants.**

4. **What is transpiration? How does it occur in plants?**

5. **Explain the process of respiration in human beings.**

6. **Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.**

7. **What is the role of lungs in the human respiratory system?**

8. **Describe the structure and function of nephrons in human kidneys.**

9. **Explain how excretion takes place in plants.**

10. **What are the types of transportation systems in animals? Compare open and closed circulatory systems.**

These questions cover the essential concepts related to nutrition, respiration, transportation, and excretion processes as taught in Class 10 Biology. They are designed to help you understand and revise the fundamental aspects of life processes effectively.

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