Answer :


**Diary Entry: June 22, 2024**

Today has been a whirlwind of thoughts, sparked by an intriguing question: What if I could become invisible? It's a tantalizing prospect, offering endless possibilities for exploration and observation.

If I had the power of invisibility, the first thing I would do is satisfy my curiosity about places off-limits to the public. Imagine being able to wander through ancient ruins, hidden libraries, or even the backstage of theaters during a live performance. The thrill of being unseen yet present would be exhilarating.

Beyond mere exploration, invisibility could be a tool for uncovering truths. I could attend closed-door meetings, listening in on conversations that reveal the real intentions behind decisions made in corporate boardrooms or political assemblies. Understanding the unfiltered thoughts and motives of influential figures could offer profound insights into how the world operates.

Of course, there's a moral dilemma in using invisibility for personal gain or espionage. Yet, the temptation to right wrongs is strong. I could intervene anonymously in situations where injustice thrives, ensuring fairness without recognition or retribution. Standing up for those who cannot defend themselves could become a personal mission, shrouded in secrecy but impactful nonetheless.

On a lighter note, invisibility offers the chance to indulge in simple pleasures without consequence. Imagine skipping lines at amusement parks or attending concerts without a ticket. These frivolous activities pale in comparison to the potential for good, but they speak to the human desire for freedom from constraints.

Ultimately, the power of invisibility would be a double-edged sword—tempting, yet fraught with ethical dilemmas. The key lies in using it judiciously, for the greater good rather than personal gain. If ever such a power were bestowed upon me, I hope I would wield it responsibly, mindful of its implications on others and myself.

Until then, I'll continue to ponder the possibilities and appreciate the world as it is—visible and full of wonder, waiting to be explored in more conventional ways.

**End of Diary Entry**




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What would yo...


What would you do if you become invisible? Would you use your invisibility to play tricks on people or for the good of people?

Write a short paragraph on ‘If I were invisible’

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A model answer has been provided for students' reference.

If I were invisible I would help people and the society. I would visit those places where the anti socials wander at large and deter them from committing any crime. I would thwart any untoward attempts of terrorists .I would visit the offices of authorities anytime to watch if they are carrying out their duties properly. If I were invisible I would visit hospitals anytime to watch if the doctors are treating the patients properly. I would visit the factories to check if anybody is practising child labour. I will use my invisibility to fight evils in the society and do good for the people.

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