write an application to the transport officer to remove the vendors who are selling things on the road side and making difficulties in transport​

Answer :


Certainly! Below is a sample application addressing the issue:


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]


Transport Officer

[Transport Department/Authority Name]

[Department Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Request for Removal of Roadside Vendors Causing Transport Difficulties

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention the ongoing issue of roadside vendors who are causing significant difficulties for transport in our area. The presence of these vendors not only obstructs traffic but also poses safety hazards to both pedestrians and motorists.

As a resident of [Your Area], I have observed that these vendors occupy valuable road space, forcing vehicles to maneuver around them, which often leads to traffic congestion, especially during peak hours. Moreover, their presence near intersections and bus stops disrupts the flow of public transport, causing delays and inconvenience to commuters.

I kindly request your office to take immediate action to relocate these vendors to designated areas where their activities do not interfere with traffic and pedestrian movement. This action is crucial to ensure smooth traffic flow and enhance road safety in our community.

I am willing to cooperate and provide any additional information or support needed to address this issue effectively. I believe that with your prompt intervention, we can improve the overall transport experience for everyone in our area.

Thank you for considering this urgent matter. I look forward to your positive response and actions to resolve this concern.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]


Ensure to customize the application with specific details relevant to your situation and the practices of your local transport authority.

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