Answer :


To find the values of \( x \) and \( y \) for the system of equations:

1. \( 2x + 3y = 21 \)

2. \( 6x + 7y = 53 \)

We can use either the substitution method or the elimination method. Here, I'll use the elimination method.

First, let's eliminate one of the variables. We can start by eliminating \( x \).

1. Multiply the first equation by 3 to align the coefficients of \( x \):

\[ 3(2x + 3y) = 3(21) \]

\[ 6x + 9y = 63 \]

2. Now we have the system:

\[ 6x + 9y = 63 \]

\[ 6x + 7y = 53 \]

3. Subtract the second equation from the first:

\[ (6x + 9y) - (6x + 7y) = 63 - 53 \]

\[ 6x + 9y - 6x - 7y = 10 \]

\[ 2y = 10 \]

\[ y = 5 \]

Now that we have \( y \), we can substitute it back into one of the original equations to find \( x \). Using the first equation:

\[ 2x + 3y = 21 \]

\[ 2x + 3(5) = 21 \]

\[ 2x + 15 = 21 \]

\[ 2x = 6 \]

\[ x = 3 \]

Thus, the solution to the system of equations is \( x = 3 \) and \( y = 5 \).


Step-by-step explanation: 2x+3y=21

2x = 21-3y

multiply both sides with 3

6x = 63 - 9y

also given 6x+7y=53





2x = 21-3y

2x = 21-15

2x = 6
