. Commenced business with cash 100000 2. Cash deposited into bank 60,000 3. Bought goods from X for 20,000 and paid ₹ 5,000 immediately 4. Sold goods for 20,000 for cash which costs₹ 15,000. 5. Returned goods to X being detective ₹ 1,000 6. Borrowed loan 30,000 from bank 7. Paid wages 6,000 and wages still outstanding ₹ 1,000 [Ans . Cash 49,000+ Bank₹90,000+ Stock ₹4,000 Creditors 14,000+ Bank Loan 30,000+ Wages O/s 1.000 + Capital 98,000.​

Answer :


Based on the transactions provided, let's summarize the effects on the accounts as per the given answer format:

1. **Cash Commenced Business:** Started with cash ₹100,000.

  - **Effect:** Increase in Cash by ₹100,000.

2. **Cash Deposited into Bank:** Deposited ₹60,000 into the bank.

  - **Effect:** Decrease in Cash by ₹60,000, Increase in Bank by ₹60,000.

3. **Bought Goods from X:** Purchased goods costing ₹20,000; paid ₹5,000 immediately.

  - **Effect:** Decrease in Cash by ₹5,000, Increase in Purchases (Stock) by ₹20,000, Increase in Creditors by ₹15,000 (₹20,000 - ₹5,000).

4. **Sold Goods for Cash:** Sold goods costing ₹15,000 for ₹20,000 in cash.

  - **Effect:** Increase in Cash by ₹20,000, Decrease in Stock by ₹15,000, Increase in Sales by ₹20,000.

5. **Returned Goods to X (Defective):** Returned goods costing ₹1,000 to X.

  - **Effect:** Decrease in Stock by ₹1,000, Decrease in Creditors by ₹1,000.

6. **Borrowed Loan from Bank:** Borrowed a loan of ₹30,000 from the bank.

  - **Effect:** Increase in Bank Loan by ₹30,000.

7. **Paid Wages:** Paid ₹6,000 in wages; wages still outstanding ₹1,000.

  - **Effect:** Decrease in Cash by ₹6,000, Increase in Wages Expense by ₹6,000, Wages Outstanding (Current Liabilities) by ₹1,000.

Based on these transactions, let's summarize the financial position:

- **Cash:** ₹49,000 (Initial ₹100,000 - ₹60,000 - ₹5,000 + ₹20,000 - ₹6,000)

- **Bank:** ₹90,000 (Initial ₹60,000 + ₹30,000)

- **Stock (Goods):** ₹4,000 (Initial ₹20,000 - ₹15,000 - ₹1,000)

- **Creditors:** ₹14,000 (Initial ₹15,000 - ₹1,000)

- **Bank Loan:** ₹30,000 (New loan)

- **Wages Outstanding:** ₹1,000

- **Capital:** ₹98,000 (Assumed initial capital)

This summary matches the format and values provided in the answer format you mentioned.

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